Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Song Recommendations (May 6, 2015 Edition)

So I finished my paper yay! But I'm totally I decide to mess around on the internet more instead of sleeping xD It's like 9 minutes to midnight where I'm from so I know I should be sleeping...especially because I have to be to work at 8am tomorrow. Oh well xD For those of us who need a pick me up in the middle of the week (or also want to procrastinate and lose sleep lol), here's some great songs to jam to while trying to stay awake xD:

Nine Muses - Gun

Old song, I know. Fell back in love with it today. So great.

Lizzy - Not An Easy Girl

Never checked this song out until earlier this week. It's so good! The music video is even more impressive. They took a movie from 1961? (I think) and imposed Lizzy over it.

Kobushi Factory - Survivor

For those of us "surviving" finals weeks!

Kind of short, I know. But just some jams to get you through whatever it is you're going through :) Enjoy!

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