Hi everyone! I wanted to do a quick not really informative but more music recommending post. I've been toying with this thought for a while about Japanese groups that I feel don't have nearly enough exposure in the Western J-Pop fanbase. As someone who really could care less about group dynamics and knowing the members or the history behind the groups, this is really going to be mainly music based, as I just don't know much about the groups themselves to give any details. Think of this as an introduction to the music, not the group.
Group #1: Osaka Shunkashuto
I've written about these girls before but I feel compelled to do it again. They're an idol/performance group that really is just bursting with talent. The lead singer, Maina, is one of the most talented Japanese idol vocalists I've ever heard. They don't have a huge discography, but they have released a few singles and one mini album. The mini album, Early Season, has some of their earlier singles on the tracklist. My introduction to Shunkashuto was through their MV "C'mon!". I was very impressed by the vocalist and looked for more of their music. I'm glad I did because they are quite good.
Group #2: FuwaFuwa
All I really know about these girls is that they are a subgroup of Ekimae Harajuku Parties and they're managed by Avex. Beyond that, I know nothing but the center's name. This is another group I came across on YouTube. Usually this type of group wouldn't appeal to me at all. They sing the typical fluffy idol songs, but they're so super catchy and not bland. I discovered them through their second single Koi no Lesson and became addicted to the track. They have two singles so far.
Group #3: LinkStar's
Well, the video I'm gonna link is from when they were called just Links. I haven't heard any of their music after the name change but it's something I have to do. On this list so far, their pretty much the most indie from what I understand. Well, they sound it at least. Objectively, I understand that their Love Soldiers song is nothing special and is actually pretty bad vocally and the vocals don't fit well with the music and all that; but I absolutely ADORE this song. I don't know why. I'll never know why. The music itself has an epic adventure feel to it and I love it so much.
Group #3: Mirai Skirt
As this list goes on, I know less and less about the groups. But I discovered Mirai Skirt through a CDJapan sale. I have an addiction to buying CDs and CDJapan feeds that addiction with their quarterly sales. I always try to pick up discounted idol pop CDs that I wouldn't buy usually to try out new music. They had their CosmosSplash CD on sale and I grabbed it. The song is super catchy and is a nice blend of idol pop and electro.
Group #4: Orange Port
It upsets me that there's no full MV of this group's song on the internet as of right now. But yet their single is on iTunes and Spotify. Go figure. I had heard of Orange Port about a year ago but didn't really care about them until I saw the short MV for "Trigger". Holy crap is the song ever good. If you love darker electro spiked music, this is certainly something you'd love.
Group #5: Galette
Yes I realize I've said many things about them many times. I also realize that they have a couple dedicated vocal fans that spam their stuff a lot. I still don't care. Love them. They are good.
The end! Enjoy!